So I just spent all yesterday afternoon to today early morning hours setting up Jekyll to work on my local machine. I also spent some time doing some modifications to it and writing this post. The initial inspiration to search for a suitable blog platform came from an idea for a programming post regarding unit testing and entity framework contexts, but that is going to have to wait until this afternoon.

Hello World

Jekyll looked very interesting and my main criteria was a suitable syntax highlighting capability, which I struggled with before setting upon other blog platforms. Using Jekyll it seems it comes nicely out of the box. I also liked the idea of hosting the entire thing on GitHub. I have cloned the repository locally, have it setup to first make the changes locally and then push them on GitHub where they get published straight away to the GitHub user pages.

In the coming days there might be some additional changes to the templates and Jekyll general functionality as I get more familiar with the platform. I even want to try out having multi-lingual post implementation. Either way this blog already gave me an interesting overview of ruby, ruby gems, markdown and YAML.

So with the Jekyll related stuff out of the way here is the actual “introduction” part of this post.

Basically I’m going to be attempting tech blogging again as I’ve recently started working on several interesting side projects which have the opportunity to provide interesting posts. The EF database context unit testing post was something discussed for one of the projects that is in the earliest stage of development.

As a side note, they might be other posts related to some other things I’m involved in one way or another and enjoy, for example biking.

So hope to see/read you soon!